Monday, 11 November 2013

Day 29, Loxton – Lock Three, 10 Nov


It’s a cold start but 5km down and I’m fully warmed up by the paddling. There are no animals to see around here unfortunately, though the great thing is that the river heads north-east from Loxton to Overland Corner and the southerly winds give me a good push. Almost all day I have the breeze in my butt and the kayak just glides over the water! So it’s very pleasant paddling and I stop for lunch on a nice sandbar.

I get to our planned meeting point, Joyner Lagoon in Cobdogla, in good time and decide to put in some extra clicks to reach lock 3. That way, I won’t have to start late tomorrow to wait for the lockmaster to arrive at 8am to let me through, I can just get in and start on the other side of the weir instead. It’s an extra 12km and takes me by the vast Watchels Lagoon and Loch Luna. There are a lot of waterways around here and islands in the river which add some interest to an otherwise fairly monotonous landscape.

Distance paddled: 56 km


We're staying by Joyner Lagoon, courtesy of Cobdogla Station Caravan Park – thank you! Peter and Jean of the Barmera Lions club come to say hello, they’ve been working as stewards at the Barmera triathlon all day, sounds like a very busy event with a few hundred athletes participating – good work guys! Jean gives us some home-made muffins, which I’ve yet to try myself, but Tony wolfed down a couple while he was fixing an electrical issue in the caravan (it’s one problem after another!) - that man can tinker away and resolve just about any practical matter – that’s why I call him ‘Doctor Rykers’! Yeah, so the muffins got his seal of approval and I reckon he won’t be getting any more because we’re not meeting for lunch tomorrow and they’re sitting over there by the kettle right now saying “Pan, Pan, eat me!” Thanks for those, Jean, what a great present!

Tony’s been working on the electrics a long time and once he’s done I knock up some chilli con carne with all the trimmings, which goes down a storm, before we turn in for the cold, windy night.

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