Friday, 1 November 2013

Day 17, River Track Narrung - Belsar Island, 28 Oct

It’s a mild morning and my stick in the bank shows that the water has fallen 50mm overnight. It was raining last night, too! A tough day’s paddling, I go as far as I can as I’m camping alone tonight and unsure of where I am on the river as a lot of the distance markers showing the remaining kilometres to the mouth are missing. I end up finding a sand bar on the Victorian side and settle there. The wind’s blowing a gale, I hope I can get some rest…

Pan’s notes

At our first meeting point today, I saw a goanna scurry across and climb a tree to safety. The river access around here is very limited so I couldn’t meet Tony for the night, but thankfully for me the Robinvale Riverside Caravan Park gave me a warm welcome – thanks, Kelly!

Distance paddled: 68 km

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