Friday, 1 November 2013

Day 18, Belsar Island – Happy Valley Track, 29 Oct

I camped on the riverside last night by myself and the wind was unbearable, blowing my tent over double. I propped my kayak on its side for a bit of shelter but only managed to get a couple of hours sleep.

The river’s dropped a further 100mm and the water is still. I see some banks of red cliffs in amongst the usual brown earth and also a turtle – she stayed on the tree just long enough for me to snap her, then ‘plop’ and she was back under. Pass through Lock 15 after Robinvale and Euston and have reached the halfway point of my paddle today… ya-hooooo!

Meet Helen and Rolfey from the local Lions Club for dinner at the Euston Hotel – don’t get through all the chips as the rack of ribs is huge! Thanks to Geoff, Helen, Rolfey and the Robinvale Lions Club for their generous donation. Also many thanks to Kelly and the Robinvale Riverside Caravan Park for donating a great site to us right on the river for two nights at a moment’s notice.

Distance paddled: 79 km

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