Friday, 1 November 2013

Day 19, Happy Valley Track – Firemans Bend, 30 Oct

Had some beers last night to celebrate reaching halfway, maybe that’s why the glasses at the pub were only half the size they should be?! Got a good night’s sleep, waking later than usual.

The river’s still falling but has a good flow in some places and I search out the current to push me along. I see something colorful on the opposite bank and paddle across, the river being about 200m wide at this point. Intrigued, I go all the way over, only to find when I get up close that it’s a discarded sack of dog food - how disappointing - but so ridiculous that I’d spent all that effort investigating, I couldn’t help bursting out into a belly laugh!

I find three fishing lures to add to my collection – even though they’re little, they’re visible from a great distance on the river with their bright, fluorescent colours. It’s nice to see some different landscapes, like sandbars, along here. The wind has died down a lot compared to the last few days and I only have two big straights with the wind in my face, otherwise it’s behind me or very calm.

Pan has come into the Murray-Kulkane National Park and found a great spot to camp – the beach on Firemans Bend. We have dinner and sit looking out over the river, billy goats on the opposite banks, galahs and other birds squawking, a snake track not far away, and share a drink and some funny stories over the campfire – now this is what life’s all about!

Distance paddled: 64 km

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