Monday, 21 October 2013

Day 8, Picnic Point – Barmah, 19 Oct


Continue my journey down the Murray River, currently where it separates Barmah National Park to the south from Millewa National Park to the north. Only a few km down I pass Picnic Point where Pan and I had planned to meet for lunch today! We couldn’t contact each other last night because reception was down, so I guess I’ll catch up with him at Barmah. Halfway to Barmah, the river passes between Moira Lake and Barmah Lake and as the river’s high it’s joined to the lakes, so I paddle through a vast, impressive area of water - it’s a bit rusty in colour but doesn’t smell dodgy!

I arrive in Barmah nice and early at 11am, and I suppose it was meant to be, because there’s a Murray Mini Marathon getting going under the bridge. Five canoe races started by an old powder rifle – I had to have a go on that and fired her off to start the last race – loud and smokey, thanks, guys! Laid into the gun’s butt are Red Cross Murray River Canoe Marathon medals awarded to the owner for accumulating miles over the years – they’ve covered some serious distance racing down here!

We park up at the Barmah Perch Caravan Park, the river is quite high around here and there’s a picnic table that looks like it’s floating in it! Meet the Nathalia Lions Club at the Barmah Hotel for a nice meal. Thanks to John the publican for donating bottles of wine to the raffle and to Max and the other Lions for their work and donation, had a great time talking to everyone and hearing about the area and their farming and other work.


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