Another cold night and a cold but pleasant misty morning. The day got hot and it was nice paddling, the only obstacle being a tight zig-zagging section. Saw an old steam train by the river, a hawk swooping down for ducklings and then about 20 roos all drinking on a beach (not XXXX Gold, but that would make a great advert!). I stopped and slowly went for my camera but one of them saw me before I could get it out and they all shot off.
Met Pan at
Morgan’s Beach near Ulupna Island for a quick break. Damn, it’s hot in my
paddling clothes today!
I have about
150km to cover today and tomorrow to reach Barmah, so I paddle hard and stop
when I realize I’ve done 90km today – that’s good, I won’t have so long to travel
tomorrow! I warm up some grub in my billy can, set up my camp and turn in.
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