Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Day 10, Echuca – Bail Road, 21 Oct

Today I saw something moving along the surface of the water in the distance and was surprised when I got closer to see that it was a kangaroo swimming across! I stopped and watched it struggle on. When it got to the other bank, it just flopped out onto the mud gasping, it spent so much energy crossing. Roos – not designed for swimming!

Other than that, a fairly quiet day, had some frustrations struggling with phone reception and not finding Pan for some distance - was so hungry by the time we met up at the end point! There was no flow to the river at all so I had to work all the way, and whenever I rested for a moment to have a drink break, it would take some effort to get moving again. Thankfully it was overcast so I didn’t have the sun baking me and draining excess energy! Caught some more nice paddle steamers and houseboats and met a fisherman who swears by using mozzarella cheese for bait!

Distance paddled: 58 km

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