Monday, 5 August 2013


Hi and welcome to my blogg.

This is the first time I have ever made a blogg but I will try my best.

As you can see by my flier I will be going on a big adventure in a short time.

Hi all fellow adventurers,

My name is Tony, I am 60 yrs young and live in Darwin and on the 12 Oct 2013 at 930AM  I am going to paddle the full length of the Murray River from
Albury NSW to a small town called Wellington in SA, a total of 2568km come hell or high water.
In conjunction with the NSW, VIC and SA  Lions Clubs along the mighty Murray who will be fund raising as I move down stream.
It was always a dream of mine to paddle the Murray with my three boy, however they are now all married and have there own families.
Last year I told my brother what I was planing to do and he said what a great idea. He had been wanting to do the same thing for years so he said I will join you..
My brother also in his 60+ had Cancer several years ago and we thought, what a great idea it would be to raise some money for charity.
After months of emails we now have the Lions clubs on board.
However things have now changed.
My Wife of 40 years is now unable to join me  and my brother has also informed me that he will also be pulling out due to ill health.(I think the Cancer is back, but he won't say.)
So I am left on my pat ma loan.
The problem now is that I don't have a support Team.
So I was hoping that somebody would like to come join me in my adventure for a day ,a week of for the whole trip.
It is excepted to take about 4 to 6 weeks..
It is to late to pull out as lions have already started putting things in place.
All monies raised will go to the "Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation ".
I will also be donating my Kayak as a raffle to be drawn at the end of the trip.
I will be keeping this site up to date as I move along with photo's and a short update.
If you have some spare time please give me a call on Mobile 0414890973.

Waiting to hear from you


  1. What an awesome challenge and experience.
    I have posted this link on our kayaking forum so hope you get some support.


    1. Thanks for your support/
      Please spread the word.
      I'm not a computer person so every little assistance helps.

    2. Thanks for your support/
      Please spread the word.
      I'm not a computer person so every little assistance helps.
